nginx reverse proxy and url rewrite

Was just setting up shiori behind nginx and I wanted it such that passess the request to port 8001. I have been in this situation before as well where a path needs to be sent to a another host or application server.

Just doing the following wont work:

location  /app {
  proxy_pass         http://localhost:8001;
  proxy_set_header   Host $host;

nginx forwards the client request ( to our app server (assuming running locally) as http://localhost:8001/app, but there is no route defined as /app. Our app expects a request to be sent to /. And this app might just be an api. So the client making a request like would be recieved by the app server as instead of There are two ways to solve this, though both of the methods are not exactly equivalent, and other use cases and situations might warrant the use of either of them:

  1. Rewrite the URI in nginx
  2. Host the app server on /app instead of /

Rewriting URI on nginx

location  /app {
  rewrite            /foo/(.*) /$1 break;
  proxy_pass         http://localhost:3200;
  proxy_redirect     off;
  proxy_set_header   Host $host;

nginx would then send the request to our app server as http://localhost:8001/. So would then be which is what we want.

Explaination: rewrite directive takes in a regex and replaces it with the next argument - that is the final URI that will be passed to the app server. $1 is the regex capture group refering to (.*)

Before rewrite:

graph LR
    A[client] -->|| B[nginx]
    B -.http://localhost:8001/app.-> C[app server]
    C -. response .-> B
    B --response--> A

After rewrite:

graph LR
    A[client] -->|| B[nginx]
    B -.http://localhost:8001.-> C[app server]
    C -. response .-> B
    B --response--> A

Host the app server on /app instead of /

…Or in other words, let the app server know that the root is /app/ and not /

Most web frameworks have an option for this. APP_ROOT="/app/"in the corresponding framework’s equivalent should do the trick. This is what I did for shiori. Its serve command has a -r flag that sets the root.

Method 1. is still usefull when the app is somewhat stateless (not the correct way of using “stateless”, but yeah) - i.e it doesn’t care where the root is - it just has to respond to the request and the response is context independent i.e it doesn’t have to refer back to the host - which is mostly the case with an api. But a webapp where the frontend and backend are closely tied, the app needs to know what the host is.


A good write up about rewrite URI